Hi, I'm Harsh

Data and AI Enthusiast

Well-versed in Python, SQL, PySpark, MS-Excel, Tableau, Power BI, Apache Airflow, Docker, MS-Azure, Snowflake, Machine Learning and Deep Learning framework: TensorFlow

Azure Cloud Data Analytics Projects

This section dives into data analytics projects created with azure cloud. Performed tasks such ETL, creating Data pipelines and Data preprocessings.

Recommendation System

Created a recommendation system that will recommend Movies or TV shows from Netflix reviews dataset.

Nutrition Facts Analysis

This comprehensive analysis dives into McDonald's menu dataset and classfied various nutrition facts by performing EDA.

Netlfix Review Data Analysis

This analysis classifies the reviews of various genres of movies and tv shows from Netflix review dataset and visualized the analysis.

Stock Market Analysis

This comprehensive analysis dives into stocks data of tech companies: Apple, Google, Microsoft and Amazon.

Stock Market Analysis and Price Prediction

This projects consists of stock market analysis of tech companies: Apple, Google, Microsoft and Amazon. And close price prediction of Google and Tesla companies.

Handwritten Digits Recognition

This project consists of CNN model to recognize handwritten digits.

Customer segmentation using RFM analysis

This customer segmentation dive into Mega stores data containing sales and products information. Performed customer segmentation by using RFM analysis of each segment.

Toxic Comment classifier

This classifier model dives into classification of toxic comments with an interactive GUI interface.

Deep Image classifiers

This section consists of deep image classification projects by using a CNN architecture.

Diabetes EDA & Prediction

This project consists of exploratory data analysis of diabetes dataset using PySpark and also prediction of various variable scores such as Insulin, BMI, etc using machine learning.

Data cleaning & EDA in SQL

This project consists of data cleaning and exploratory data analysis in SQL of world layoffs dataset.

Youtube video downloader

This project consists of interactive GUI youtube video downloader.

Microsoft Excel Projects

Excel projects consists of Data cleaning and Visualization.

Power BI Projects

Power BI projects consist of interactive Dashboards.

Tableau Projects

Tableau projects consist of interactive Dashboards.